COMMUNITY NEWS: Mansfield Woodhouse

Mansfield WoodhouseMansfield Woodhouse
Mansfield Woodhouse
Probus Club

Forty members met on Tuesday 6th May at the Red Brick House Hotel, when a presentation was given by Maria Smith on the subject of Creswell Crags. The talk traced the history of the Crags from pre-historic times to the present day. Maria answered a number of questions and passed round artifacts from the site. Lunch was enjoyed, after the presentation.The next meeting is on Tuesday 3rd June when wives and friends are invited to a talk by Jane Barnes, entitled ‘Tales from a Dairy Farmer’. For more information contact Mansfield 621434.

Trinity Methodist

The Monday Bible Fellowship took place at the home of Mrs Mary Marsh, and was led by the Rev Arthur Spencer. Last Wednesday week, the Toddler group met in the schoolroom, followed by the Bright Hour in the afternoon, chaired by Mrs Joan Walters. The speaker was Mr John Addamson, and the pianist was Mrs Wyn Sansom. Afterwards a birthday tea for Mr Russ Walters took place. During the evening, the youngster’s group, Engage, met, followed by React, on Thursday evening. On Saturday morning, the young people held a jumble sale in the schoolroom. The Sunday morning service, was conducted by the Rev T. Horton, who also provided the music. The stewards were Anne Clayton and the Young people.

Triangle Health Group

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Nineteen members attended last Thursday week’s meeting which took place in Turner Hall lounge. Ruth Marriott collected the subscriptions and Joan Davies organised the raffle, which was won by Audrey Morris. Joan Davies welcomed Richard Tucker, who was presented with a cheque for £250. He accepted this on behalf of ‘Little Roots Community Allotments, which is situated on Slant Lane, Mansfield Woodhouse. Children from local primary schools visit the project, and learn how to prepare the ground, plant seeds and ultimately how food is grown. Richard invited Triangle members to look around. The refreshment hostesses were Sylvia Roberts and Irene Bacon. Triangle have two forthcoming events. On Thursday 3rd July, the Triangle coffee morning will take place from 10am-noon, with a variety of stalls and refreshments for the Oakland Centre at Warsop. On Saturday 5th July, the Dukeries Singers will be performing a Concert at St. Chad’s Church, Pleasley Vale. Admission is £5. Contact Mansfield 626513.

St Edmund’s Church

Last Sunday week, the Family Service for Christian Aid week took place in the Turner Hall, led by the Worship and the Music group. There were activities for all ages. The sidesmen were Pat Eadson and Wendy Skelton, and readings were given by the Worship group. Coffee was served afterwards in the Stable Centre by Ruth Greaves and Wendy Skelton. The 6.30pm Holy Communion was conducted by the Rev Allan Scrivener, assisted by Kate Colclough. The sidesmen were Beryl and Bill Blagg. The readings were given by Margaret Munro and Kate Colclough. The prayers of Intercession were led by Kate Colclough, and Dave Colclough, Sue Bowley and Kate Colclough.

The Christadelphians

Ethesians ch.3, read by Alex Green, formed a basis of Paul Chambers talk on Sunday, at the Church of the Brothers and Sisters in Christ. He spoke of overcoming doubts and fears, and finding an oasis of peace with Jesus. John Bennett introduced the breaking of bread service, with a reading from Corinthians ch.11 . Paul Chambers gave a reading from Matthew ch., ‘Come to me all you who are weary’, said Jesus. He encourages listeners to stand firm, be united and help each other on the way to the Kingdom. Autumn Bray decorated stones with Bible verses. Last Wednesday morning, Sarah Clark and Carol Burton, organised the Tots and Toys coffee morning, raising funds for the ‘Meal a Day Association’. The Tots played with wheelie toys, trampoline and in the home corner. The Wednesday Bible Class was led by George Sobcynski, who chose Romans ch.1, as his study for the evening. Absent members and those who are sick, were remembered in prayer. On Bank Holiday Monday, church members and friends met for a walk and a treasure hunt, organised by John Bennett. After lunch, team sports and team challenge was organised by Margaret Bennett. Jessica Thomas won the treasure hunt. God was thanked for a beautiful day of fun and fellowship. The next gathering will take place on 26th May, at Cornerstone, Mansfield Woodhouse, when a hot meal will be on offer for £2 a head, raising funds for the ‘May We Eat Appeal’. Further details from Denise Sobcynski on 07435 563077 or Margaret Bennett on 01777 818334.