LETTER: Switch-on was a shambles

Mansfield Christmas lights switch on. Picture by Roger Grayson.Mansfield Christmas lights switch on. Picture by Roger Grayson.
Mansfield Christmas lights switch on. Picture by Roger Grayson.
We went to the Mansfield light switch on and I’ve never seen such a shambles. We were stood right at the back and couldn’t see or hear a thing.

The first thing we knew about the lights being switched on was when the count got to four.

Why didn’t the people who were performing sing Christmas songs? Why did they need two screens at the side of the stage because we couldn’t see them. They would have been better dotted about especially at the back.

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Mike the Knight came on for five minutes and then there was nothing else for kids.

Where I was stood people were leaving because it was boring and we couldn’t hear anything. The kids were bored. Unless you were stood right at the front you had shot it,everything was about being at the front.

Also, where were the lights in the monument?

It is normally lit up or has got a tree in it. Oh yes, the lights were put on the old town hall to make the council look good. Where was the mayor?

Vouchers were given out at the front but kids at the back didn’t stand a chance.

So as you can guess I won’t be going next year. Well done Mansfield District Council — NOT!

Lisa Brown

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