So we’d thought we’d let you have the keys for a few minutes, via our photo gallery below, to see how the three-bedroom home on Papplewick Lane is well worth the £695,000 tag attached to it by respected Hucknall High Street estate agents HoldenCopley.
A spokesperson for HoldenCopley said: “This well-presented property is a credit to the current owners, who have completely transformed it to create a place anyone would be proud of.
"Situated in a popular location, close to local amenities, excellent schools and regular transport links, it provides versatile accommodation for a range of buyers.”
The property is certainly a handsome sight and, as soon as you step inside, you appreciate its appeal as an entrance hall leads to three receptions rooms, plus a stylish breakfast kitchen, shower room suite and utility room. The ground floor is completed by the fantastic annexe, which comprises a reception room and kitchen.
Upstairs, there are three double bedrooms, all served by a stunning bathroom suite. Outside, you will find a good-sized garden that wraps itself around the property, and also a driveway providing ample off-street parking space for numerous vehicles. A summer house, log store and garage add even more stardust to a house that must be viewed.
"Situated in a popular location, close to local amenities, excellent schools and regular transport links, it provides versatile accommodation for a range of buyers.”