Plan is a threat to our park

The major building programme proposed for greenfield land bordering Brierley Forest Park, could result in detrimental environmental impacts affecting this and the surrounding area for some time.

Surely brown field sites should be utilised, first and foremost, for developments of this kind.

If the appeal process is invoked let’s hope that the opinion of the Council leader and not that of the Chairman of Huthwaite Community Action Group, as expressed in the Chad 30th July, prevails. Successive Governments tell us there is an urgent need for millions of more homes, to accommodate a growing population, on an island with a shrinking coastline.

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Point taken, however both locally and nationally literally thousands of empty, unoccupied dwellings, ripe for refurbishment to an acceptable living standard, are forgotten and left abandoned to become derelict eyesores.

Properties that could and should be brought back into decent, affordable homes for families and other persons to occupy whilst providing much needed jobs for the construction industry. Perhaps, if such a national policy was adequately financed, with the political support and commitment necessary, action by communities fighting to preserve similar sites to this one in Ashfield would reduce significantly.

David Shooter


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