Roman troops invade Samworth for a hands-on history lesson

Roman Legionnaires staged a friendly invasion of Samworth Church Academy as part of their history lessons.

Roman Tours UK company, educate students about all things Roman from daily life and their territorial aspirations, to battle tactics and their arrival on British shores.

During the visit Harvey Fletcher, a student at the Academy was asked to demonstrate a typical Roman Soldier’s clothing, with chain mail and helmet.

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He said, “It was not a normal Tuesday morning. I went to school as a year 7 student and became a Roman Soldier with actual chain mail, armour and a helmet.

“It really helped me to understand what it might have been like in those days.”

Claire Penny, a teacher at the Academy, said that the lessons are an effective way of teaching history to students,

“There is real value to taking history ‘off the page’ for students. They engage far more with aspects of history when it is delivered in such a colourful way”.

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Paul Harston, of Roman Tours UK, said, “I started this business to provide a service for schools to help bring history alive for students studying the Roman period and the invasion of Britain.  

“There are many fine works of literature that produce very good accounts of the Roman period.  But unless you are motivated to want to know more they will always remain unread.  

“Using character acting, role play, and reconstructed artefacts, we develop their understanding in a fun, memorable and interactive way.”