Ease away stress with organic CBD products from Honey Heaven

April is Stress Awareness Month and according to The Health & Safety Executive, there were an estimated 875,000 cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2022/23.

This current rate of self-reported work-related stress, depression or anxiety is higher than the pre-pandemic level. In addition, an estimated 35.2 million working days were lost in 2022/23 due to self-reported work-related ill health or injury.

With everything that has been thrown at us in the last twelve months with worries about the cost of living, international unrest and political uncertainty it’s perhaps no surprise that rates are so high.

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Many people are reluctant to resort to prescribed drugs to deal with the problem and look instead to CBD Oil as a possible natural way to deal with stress, along with other conditions.


Researchers think CBD may change the way the brain’s receptors respond to serotonin, a chemical linked to mental health. One study found that CBD helped people with social anxiety give a speech while other early studies done with animals have shown that CBD could relieve anxiety by:

· reducing stress

· decreasing physiological effects of anxiety, such as an increased heart rate

· improving symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


· inducing sleep in cases of insomnia

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Meanwhile, a 2011 study working with sufferers of general Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) showed that participants who received a dose of CBD experienced overall reduced anxiety levels compared with those who were given a placebo.

It seems the benefits of CBD and CBD Oils is more than mere hearsay. However, not all CBD Oils are equal and here’s why.

The Hemp or Cannabis plant contains many compounds of which cannabidiol (CBD) is just one as is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the part of the plant which is psychoactive and creates the ‘high’ associated with cannabis or marijuana. The THC must largely be removed from all CBD products sold legally in the UK with a maximum of 0.2% being permitted. Those products which retain 0.2% of THC are called Full Spectrum.

Honey Heaven produces a range of Organic CBD oil products which mix full spectrum CBD oil with CBD distillate, (the purest form of CBD), to make the products extra strong. Full spectrum CBD and distillate retain many other natural cannabinoid compounds found in the Hemp plant. Together these interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system which helps regulate psychological and physiological functions including mood, appetite, sleep, and even pain. This interaction process is known as the ‘entourage effect’ and imparts maximum health benefits to users.

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Honey Heaven’s CBD products are made in the UK from the highest-quality hemp that is organically and ethically grown by experienced and licensed farmers on outdoor farms in Switzerland. Their CBD range includes drops, sprays, honey and teas to be taken orally and balms and massage oils to be applied to the skin at particular points of pain and absorbed into the bloodstream. All the products (except the CBD honey) are vegan, and all are free from artificial colouring, preservatives, flavourings or additives.

Best to alleviate stress and anxiety are:

Honey Heaven Full Spectrum CBD Extract 10ml boosted with pure CBD Distillate (10%) in nine strengths starting from 1000mg at £45:

Honey Heaven’s CBD oils have a herbal taste that gets stronger with a higher percentage of concentration. The oil can be added to smoothies or foods that are not heated to find the taste that best suits you, but if you find yourself struggling to sleep, or are overly stressed, the under-tongue administration is the fastest way to absorb CBD oil.

Simply place 1-2 drops under the tongue twice daily. Keep the oil in the mouth for 1 minute for better absorption and drink water afterwards to help with the taste.

Organic Mushrooms in Honey 300g RRP £22

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Available from www.honeyheaven.co.uk or in store or online at Selfridges

Made by blending Organic Hungarian Acacia Honey with an incredible seven different medicinal mushrooms (Reishi, Chaga, Shitake, Maitake, Lions mane, Cordyceps, Tremella), this unique honey is a perfect topping on toast or stirred into herbal tea, hot chocolate or decaffeinated coffee for a good night’s sleep. This is because medicinal mushrooms are adaptogens - herbs, roots and other plant substances (like mushrooms) - that help our bodies manage stress and restore balance after a stressful situation.

Here’s how. Cortisol is the hormone our bodies release at times of stress. It can be very helpful – for example, alerting us to threats and dangers around us – but it can also cause problems if it is released inappropriately. Adaptogens help regulate the release of cortisol and prevent it from doing long-term damage.

However, cortisol is also deeply connected to our circadian rhythm. This is our body clock, which tells us when to sleep and when to feel awake. Usually, we have a main release of cortisol in the morning, which gradually diminishes throughout the day. By nighttime, we should be feeling calm, collected and ready for sleep.

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Unfortunately, many things in modern life can throw our circadian rhythms off, including blue light from screens, toxins from our food, other types of artificial light, irregular working schedules, and so on. All of these things, as well as other types of stress, interfere with how cortisol is released over the course of the day.

This is where adaptogens can help. Not only do they potentially help balance cortisol within our bodies they can also help us regain an overall equilibrium. That means that we gradually return to our natural rhythms. In other words, when you’re feeling sluggish and unmotivated, adaptogens can help to stimulate you, whereas if you’re feeling anxious and alert, they help you to feel calmer and can help you sleep. Cue a spoonful of Mushrooms in Honey!

Organic CBD Honey RRP £25

Available from www.honeyheaven.co.uk or in store or online at Selfridges

Although experts don’t know exactly why CBD helps with stress, research has suggested that it can help manage pain, anxiety, and insomnia. For anyone who finds the earthy taste of CBD oil hard to swallow, however, Honey Heaven’s delicious Organic CBD Honey is the answer.

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It can be used in the same way as any honey – spread on toast, added to drinks, drizzled over porridge, but because the oil lends a delicious nutty flavour to the naturally sweet honey it’s also ideal in baking or salad dressings.

Organic Black Seed & CBD Honey RRP £30

Available from www.honeyheaven.co.uk

Another innovative combination from Honey Heaven blends Organic Black Seed Oil and CBD Oil with sweet Acacia honey from Hungary.

This honey shares all the benefits of CBD with the added bonus of Black Seed from the Nigella Sativa plant. Revered for centuries as a natural remedy, Black Seed contains thymoquinone, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that has been used in Islamic and traditional medicine for over 2000 years - indeed in a saying of the Prophet Muhammad “in the black seed is a cure for every illness except death” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).

More recently research has found that Black Seed significantly alleviates stress and improves sleep quality in human volunteers.

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A spoonful of Black Seed & CBD infused honey before bed anyone?

Vegan, organic CBD Gummy Bears from Honey Heaven £25 per pot

Made with natural ingredients and bursting with the juicy fruit flavours of Strawberry, Orange, Pineapple, Lemon, Blackberry and Apple, they offer a delicious mix of sweet and sour; just perfect for those who find the classic earthy taste of CBD a little hard to swallow. In fact, they taste so good they should be renamed Yummy Bears!

These gummy bears are one of the strongest on the UK market with 20mg of CBD in each bear.

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Honey Heaven CBD Gummy Bears come in individual recyclable PET jars that are easy to slip in your pocket or bag and contain 25 bears per pot. But although they’re tasty it’s recommended no more than two gummy CBD bears a day should be taken (200mg CBD per day should not be exceeded).

Get your paws on some now!

We’re all a little anxious at the minute, and with good reason. To help ease your stress in a natural way, try one of Honey Heaven’s premium Organic products. Visit www.honeyheaven.co.uk to view the full range.

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